2030 VISION for HER

Our vision is to build the largest gathering of women on our planet by 2030.

We recognize that societal needs for whole, healthy leaders are at an all time high and will only continue to heighten over the next decade. We are answering that call. We hold the vision of what becomes possible when we gather year-after-year for real-time co-learning, strategic solutions-finding, and generating energetic capacity for healing, harmony, and growth across sectors, cultures, and across generations.

A message and personal invitation from Challenge Founders, Charlene SanJenko and Morna MacGillivray (Haist)

Incredible Human,

We believe that the way we navigate and lead at this time in history has the potential to change the course of life on our planet.

In fact, it must. 

We have a responsibility at this time as adults, parents, and community and industry leaders to demonstrate an uncommon commitment to generational healing.

This commitment gains traction as we scale women’s empowerment across the globe to support brave leaders and social impact pioneers in their work of forging accessible, inclusive, and innovative humanitarian solutions most needed at this time:

YOU have a critical role to play in re-shaping a world that works for EVERYONE.

  • We recognize the need to come together now, to create space to Heal from the ROOTS, to rest, re-fuel, and energize - collectively gathering in real-time across the globe in an interconnected community of practice. 

  • While events, programs, and incubators are great, what is critical at this time is a culmination of curated energy that continues to build year-after-year, preparing visionaries, leaders, and changemakers for their next-level expanded impact. 

  • And we need so much more than One-off Events - we need intentional spaces where we can gather and respond to what we are being called into next, year on year…that’s why we’ve created the Challenge as an annual event and WE NEED YOU.

We need your Energy, Your Vision, your Leadership, Your Contribution at the Ground Floor of the Challenge.

Our core team of challenge organizers in collaboration with YOU will continuously codify our process to encourage a year-after-year experience for allies walking with us to pioneer next-level partnerships as described in the UN SDG Goal 17.

Imagine what becomes possible?

  • News headlines read differently.

  • Positive statistics rise.

  • Priorities shift.

  • Harmony builds.

  • As we heal from our roots, we return to our natural state and expand with ease into all that is possible and waiting for us.

We have an opportunity to be the generation that heals to course-correct for future generations.

CAN YOU FEEL IT?  Join us at the Ground Floor for the 2024 Challenge and help us shape a new future.

For HER - Human Expansion Realized.

With love and appreciation, Morna and Charlene